Mahlaseli a Bocha

Mahlaseli A Bocha is a non-Governmental, Nonprofit Organization with a core mission to aid, alleviate, Educate and Inspire young People in Lesotho by providing Humanitarian, Medical , Education, Sporting and entrepreneurship programs to motivate, inspire and capacitate those less privileged and less exposed members of the community.



Mahlaseli A Bocha Seeks to engage in varying entrepreneurship programs that are aimed at raising funds for the Foundation so as to supplement donations that may come our way. In mind we are to engage in Agriculture Projects namely; Cash Crops, hand crafts, Dairy, Poultry, Wool and Mohair, Medicinal Cannabis etc . we also seek to engage in Ecotourism, Property Development buying shares in varying Companies and Institutions. Profits are to be recycled or reinvested in the Foundation.


We seek donors and Partners for the varying programs to function and be sustainable. All donations are for the sole purpose of running and administering the Foundation and its activities and to this effect we humbly request any donation done in kind.
